Sealing and rehabilitation of cracks in asphalt concrete pavements of roads and airfields.
High quality sealing and sanitation of cracks.
An effective method for restoring the integrity of coatings.
High rates of heat resistance and frost resistance.
Softening temperature according to K&Sh, °С, not lower than: +85 Flexibility, °С, not higher: −20 Needle penetration depth at +25 °С, 0.1 mm, not more than: 80
Petroleum bitumen, plasticizer, modifying polymers and filler (STO 77310225.003-2021).
Cutting cracks with a cutting machine.
Blowing with hot compressed air.
Treatment of crack walls with Brit polymer primer.
Pouring heated to (170–190) ºС with Brit sealing mastic.
Surface treatment with finely dispersed mineral material.
The description of the work production technology is presented in detail in STO 77310225.003.2-2021 “Brit” polymer-bitumen sealing materials. Technology of rehabilitation of cracks.