Composition "Brit" ZVS-R

Professional protective and restorative composition (ZVS) of cold application of film-forming action to eliminate surface defects, restore operational properties and long-term protection of asphalt concrete and cement concrete pavements

Any questions? Please ask our manager by phone: +7 (495) 145-93-26

Application: Airfields

Application: Factories and buildings

Application: Roads

Application: Seaports and railways

Category: Protective compounds



An effective method to prevent the progressive destruction of asphalt concrete is the elimination of surface defects, restoration of performance properties and long-term protection of asphalt concrete pavements of roads and airfields from the effects of weather and climatic factors, anti-icing agents.


  • Efficient restoration of the surface structure and reliable protection of the asphalt concrete pavement.
  • Long-term hydrophobization of the coating.
  • Slowing down the aging of the binder.
  • Simple unified application technology.


Dispersion of mineral filler and inorganic compounds in a solution of bitumen-polymer binder in water (ZVS-V) or organic solvent (ZVS-R) (STO 77310225.006–2020).


Mass fraction of non-volatile substances, %, not less than: from 50 to 95
Residue content after evaporation, %: -
Density, g/cm3, not more than: 1.75
Adhesion with crushed stone surface, score, not less than: 4
Drying time, °С , h, not more than: 3


  • Clean the surface from dust and dirt.
  • Thoroughly mix the composition to a homogeneous state and apply manually using rubberized sliders, rollers or brushes, or using a specialized mechanized installation.
  • Application of ZVS-R at a temperature not lower than +5 ºС. Application of ZVS-V at a temperature not lower than + 10 ºС.
  • The drying time of the treated coating depends on climatic factors, the condition of the substrate and the thickness of the applied layer and ranges from 2 to 12 hours.
  • The description of the work production technology is presented in detail in STO 77310225.006.1-2020 “Brit protective and restoring compositions. Application Rules".


Bucket metal 28 kg.


Technical instruction sheet Composition "Brit" ZVS-R
See also